Note to Self

Do not put kiwi in garbage disposal.

Idea for a Wikipedia Device

A wikipedia-only app-like thing.

Basically, it would work on a phone. You enter a keyword, and basically runs a search on wikipedia. Then you can navigate through only wikipedia.
Because it only works on wikipedia, it simplifies the app a lot. No need for a full internet browser, just a simple GUI. It could even run off a wikipedia API, making it even more efficient by minimizing formatting text.

This sounds like something Google could do (maybe with their own wiki system?). And if they were to come out with their own phones (Android?), it would work right with it.

Extending on this idea, you could probably really easily make a Borg reference here somewhere. I won’t. You could.

To Web Designers

Do not resize my browser for me. I know how big I want it to be.

If your site is too big to fit in my browser, I can use the scrollbars. If I really needed to view the whole thing, I could resize it myself.

Sites resizing my browser make me want to [holy crap serial killer thoughts].

Happy Octopwn Day

Watch out for giant octopusses (sic) eating your car, truck, or other vehicle.

I Like Sherbert (sic)

Blackberry is not a good ice cream flavor.