Yay, Internets!

They are back finally.

Also, I slept 14 hours last night. (not in a row. well, almost.)

(the) Yankees suck.

That is all.

My Room Smells Like Fish.

New episodes of Family Guy and Robot Chicken tonight.

That is all.

The Bathroom Sink

Apparently, if you leave Drain-o in a sink overnight, it works better than sliced bread.

Not that I would put sliced bread down the drain. Unless it was actually toilet paper that was under the drain that was clogged and may have gotten soaked, and by “down the drain” I mean “in the garbage can”.

That is all.

The Apartment

The bathroom sink is either extremely clogged, or just blocked. Drain-o didn’t work.
Do I have to register with the city?
On youtube, none of the preview images show up. Hooray.

That is all.

That’s what she said.

I just used it in a regular conversation on the phone.

“So she’s completely out?”
“Yeah, THAT’s what she SAID.”

That is all.

“AIDS is not funny.” – The guy who I call Brick.


Download this file from my backup folder, turn up speakers, and leave.
Make sure Therajid is there when you do it.
It makes happy fun time.

That is all.