Another Thing I Like About Where I Live

The closest Starbucks is about 10 miles away.
This is a good thing. No explanation needed.

Words I Hate #3


Ok, not really a word. But still. Do you actually need to say that your opinion is honest/humble? If you don’t include the ‘H’, does this mean you are lying/arrogant?

Also, the overuse of “actually” is getting um… overused. I’m actually kind of bothered by people using “actually” in the manner which this sentence is using it.

Words I Hate #2

Nobody uses this word except people trying to sound smart because they noticed a pattern and/or know a quote.

Next person who uses this word around me will begetting a lame pun like this one. I mean…

Words I hate #1

First of all, it’s French. I hate French. Not the French, just French the language. Not too big on French Stewart, either, really. (I didn’t know he was in Stargate, the movie.)
Mostly, it’s just annoying as a word.

Cake is the Opposite of Pie

At least in my mind it is.

Cakey is the property of anti-pieness. Pie-y is the property of anti-cakiness.
Like, pie is usually containing fruit, but cake doesn’t have fruit. Unless it’s fruitcake, which is a standard comedian topic.

Dude, Intelius is Sweet

Also creepy.

I got mail addressed to the person who lived in my apartment before me. Of course I googled the person. Not much. So I googled address books. Found and

I found her city of residence, middle name, age, and names of 4 relatives for free.
The address was on once I had the city.

“So that’s what that smell was.”

-Me, after finding some fat from a porkchop on the bottom of the sink from a few days before when finally washing the dishes.

Jack Daniel’s Master Blend Barberque Sauce

It is good on porkchops.

Blogs that are actually Advertisments

If you’re going to use a blog to advertise for your corporation, don’t make it so obvious.


Gas Price Check
