Ending entries with “That is all”

Yeah, so this will be the last one that does it.
Why? Because it has been done somewhere else before.

That is all.

Note to self

People do not like to be told they are wrong.

Like when they clearly remember suggesting that you take something with you and you take it, but you don’t remember the conversation happening at all, so you think someone else has the thing. Then they tell you to look where you probably put it (in the car) after they clearly remember you taking it, and you look everywhere that you would have put it. Then you remember that someone else had something similar to what you were supposed to have taken, so you look where they might have put it. Then you find it there. So you go to tell the people that clearly remember giving you the thing that they were wrong. Also, that you are not that other person. But they won’t even let you finish explaining what happened because you’re “being irritating”. What they really mean is “you’re right, and my memory is not very good. Also, I’m going to blame you for not looking where you wouldn’t put the thing, that way you look dumb, not me.”

That is all.

NCAA Football 2008 for the PS3


Tackling, especially with online lag, is pretty much impossible. This makes it very not fun.
There are no camera options. You get one camera. That is all. And in campus legend mode, the camera changes directions/doesn’t change at bad times, making it very difficult to play defense.
In legend mode, the is a limit on the positions you can play. (No offensive line, punter, kicker.)
In NCAA 2002 even, there were some smaller conferences in the game. It’s 6 years later and they’ve actually lost a lot of content.

The option is pretty cool at least.

I was watching older episodes of “The Office”, and I just noticed that all of the candy in the vending machines are turned around backwards. Anti-product placement?

That is all.

1.5th Shift

So apparently, I’m not technically second shift, but still way later than first shift.

That is all.