The Wellness Question

You are trapped in a well from which you cannot escape.  How do you escape?

Posted in work. 1 Comment »

Hillary is Mom Jeans

See Hillary is Mom Jeans for details.

Note to Self:

Do not put metal spoon in garbage disposal.

Overused Sci-fi Terms

Reversing the polarity (works most of the time).
Things being “out of phase”
rerouting power
Jigawatts. (No, wait, this one i underused.)

Radix Wire Company in Euclid, OH Lockout

Anybody know what’s up with that? Corner of E 260 and Lakeland, just north of the mall Toys R Us Red Lobster south of 90. There’s been a lockout there since early 2004. It’s early 2008. You’d think that by now one side would give up already. Or they’d close the place. Or something.

Used Stuff from your Government

I was bored, so I went looking through the city’s website. Decided to looks through some of the minutes because I wondered what they actually did at these things. At the bottom of one of them, I saw a reference to a website that sells items that government no longer has use for. Interesting stuff. Might be able to find some good deals there, though it might all just be junk that they’re trying to make a little bit of easy money from. Check it out yourself. (I bet a lot of the stuff that gets bought gets put up on ebay for more money.)

One thing I noticed is that you have to pick up most things yourself, so if you’re seriously looking for stuff, you might want to limit to your own state or city.

TV vs. Work

Kind of sad when random stuff in a TV show reminds me of work.
“She loves Red Robin. Isn’t that a strange favorite restaurant?”

Lincoln’s Birthday

It is today.

And now, a quote from the dude…
“I need to see this play like I need a hole in the head.”

(Because AIDS isn’t funny yet.)

(Never Mind, False Alarm) Date::Manip::UnixDate() Bug for Epoch Time Format

Edit edit edit: Welcome to the top-viewed post on this nonsensical blog. You are probably searching for information on perl Date::Manip::UnixDate(). The CPAN documentation probably has what you are looking for. The search results on icewalkers and perlmonks might be helpful. If you are searching for the list of output format options (like I do every once in a while), see and search for “The format options are:”.

Edit edit: Yeah, I don’t think this information is up to date and may be false now. This was written when the module was around version 5.20, in perl 5.8.8. It’s on version 6.something now and perl is on 5.12 already as of the time of this edit (1/2011). Try the next search result.

(Edit: after looking at the documentation, it was crashing because the date I was trying to use was after the year 9999 [somewhere around the year 40290, actually], not because the epoch time was not supported. My bad.)

In perl, Date::Manip.

If you pass “epoch” . $number_too_big_for_epoch_time_format , it crashes the script.
It makes sense, but I didn’t see this problem mentioned anywhere on the internets.
(The time I was trying to pass it had 3 trailing 0s, which is why it was failing for me.)

This will become a major problem when the current Epoch time format runs out and if people are still using the current version. (Edit: Nope, never mind. Not for several thousand years, somewhere around the time that Spore gets released. (Edit: joke outdated.))

(Edit: a large portion of views to this site are for this post, mostly seeming to be looking for information on how to use UnixDate. Here is some information, I guess. It should probably be in its own post. Also checked for accuracy. And sentence fragments.)

One note: I’m pretty sure you must set the timezone for Date::Manip functions like UnixDate() to work, at least on Windows. See CPAN’s Date::Manip variables documentation. (It should automatically get the timezone from Unix-based systems, apparently.)
Other possibly important variables are DateFormat and Language. DateFormat can be set to US or Non-US and determines how to handle dates like 1/2/03 – US is Jan 2, Non-US is Feb 1.
Language is determines which language it tries parsing the date out in.

### (Probably bad) Examples of usage:
use Date::Manip;
our $TZ = “EST”; #set the timezone. Date::Manip needs to know what timezone it is in. (might use my instead of our, I forget)
my $date = UnixDate(“now”, “%y”); #sets $date to the current year
$date = UnixDate(“now”, “%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S”); #sets $date to the current month/date/year hour:minute:second.
$date = UnixDate(“4/30/2008”, “%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S”); #sets $date to 30/04/2008 00:00:00
$date = UnixDate(“2 days ago”, “%m/%d”); # sets $date to the month and date that it was 2 days ago.
$date = UnixDate(“epoch 1209536805”, “%m/%d”); # sets $date to the month and date of the specified epoch time. (See Epoch Converter for converting between 12/24 hr.+date and epoch time.
For more formatting details, see CPAN’s Date::Manip documentation. Formats are listed in the table below the text “The format options are:”.

The string can contain timezones (like -0500 or EST) and converts them into the timezone your script or box says it’s in.

lol, Haberdashery

Yeah, the Lance Quagmire post is #1 on the Google for the term “local haberdasher”.   Kind of sad.